Why Brand Driven Resume Works Well?

Why a Brand Driven Resume Works Well?

Have you ever created a brand-driven resume? You may be unsure, what is a brand-driven

resume and why would I do that? A brand-driven resume will make it easier for an employer 

to see the differences between you and other applicants. Does your resume market you as 

a brand, in the same way as companies market a product or service? Personal branding is 

the packaging of your values, goals, and experience in a way that shows what unique

 solutions you can offer an employer. Many of our HR experts have also discuss about it in 

our Zen Career Talks at 

Personal branding is also the practice of people marketing themselves and their careers as 

brands. Communicating your personal brand can be done in three ways; visually, verbally, 

or through strategic, targeted content. Ideally, you will use all three in creating your brand.

Your visual brand consists of design, color, and images. It is how you will set yourself apart 

from other contenders visually and it can be achieved through the resume format/design, 

the colors you use within the resume, and the graphics you choose to use on your resume. 

recommend you to avoid templates because they will not allow you to display your personal 

brand and employers see resume templates all the time.

Instead of simply listing a string of relevant keyword phrases in your resume, back them up 

by providing specific examples of your achievements and how they impacted the company – 
saved them money, made them money, improved processes, improved customer 

satisfaction, etc. Show them the numbers! Think of the best contributions you have made to 

your employers, in terms of highest value to them. These type of statements make it clear to 
the employer exactly how you can add value to the company and solve their biggest 


Content Targeting
Targeting is just that—try to hit the point. Focus your brand specifically on what the company 

wants. For instance, if you are looking for a job as a marketing manager, where the focus is 

on marketing strategy and benefits. Stress your strengths in those areas.

If, as the wise adage goes, “people do not quit jobs, they quit bosses”, then it should come 

as no surprise to learn that bosses do not hire qualifications, they hire people. They are 

looking for a human with a pleasant personality, a certain set of values, and the right attitude 

to add value to the company team. Moreover, to find that right person, employers look to 

one specific place on a resume: your personal branding statement. Writing a personal 

branding statement is a lot like creating a branding statement for a company, product or a 

service. The big difference is you are designing it from a personal angle because it's about 

you. Your personal branding statement will be unique to you and if written correctly it will 

clearly describe what you do and whom you serve. To gain the attention—and keep the 

attention—of hiring authorities, you need to offer them a knockout opening with a powerful, 

precise, and polished branding statement that clearly articulates the unique value you offer 

their organization.


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