It is Ghana’s Independence today and being an impendence worker is something everyone thinks about ones in a while, so no, you are not alone. At some point of your career, you must learn to say NO MORE to having your career controlled by others. Do not mistaken career independence as just quitting you job and becoming entrepreneurial. It can also be making that decision to climb the corporate ladder. Career independence is on the increase, and majority of self-employed individuals do not intend to return to traditional employment. Instead, they intend to grow their businesses themselves. The fact is, primary roles in most existing career are no longer "employer and employee”,  helps to make such transitions. Many have shifted toward an "independent professional and client" type of career. There are somethings that career independence does that sets us apart from others. You may have noticed them in other people or you may exhibit them yourself.


Today, 6 out of 10 Ghanaians are working for themselves. Not only does self-employment offer increased flexibility and uncapped income, here, workers are not bombarded with the politics and paper shuffling of large corporations. There are numerous examples; digital marketers, taxi drivers, restaurant owners, traders, legal professionals, street vendors, photographers, consultants, etc.


Self-motivation refers to your ability to identify effective methods of getting yourself to move from thought to action. Everyone is different. Being independent in your career equips you to be highly self-motivated and require the imposition of external deadlines or some type of reward or penalty in order to move from ‘thought to action’. Are you self-motivated? Do you require external prompts in order to meet deadlines and/or achieve results? A common barrier to action is often the perception that a task is too large or too complex to accomplish. If that is an issue for you, then a useful practice is to break down the job into several smaller, more "workable" tasks each of which you can envision accomplishing in a set time frame. Being independent brands decision-making an easy task; this is because you have proven to yourself that you are the only person that will be really affected by the decisions you make by going independent.


Self-regulation focuses on your ability to affect personal and professional growth based on your self-awareness and motivation. These include awareness of the demands of any given situation; constant monitoring of your own behavior, thoughts, and strategies; consideration of how successfully you meet the demands of the situation; and the ability to change aspects of your current functioning as needed to fit the situation or to accomplish a goal. Aspects of self-regulation correlate with various positive outcomes including better work performance, problem-solving skills, and  more satisfying interactions with peers; higher levels of intrinsic motivation, self-worth, perceived competence, self-efficacy, moral cognition, and moral conduct.

The idea of setting independence as a goal can greatly boost multiple aspects of your life. Emotional independence for example improves your personal relations with friends, family, work mates and other people you interact. You become more in control of your emotions such as anger, over-excitement, anxiety, mood swings and so on. Having an independent career gives you freedom to explore your skills, talents and will ultimately bring the best out in you.

Career Independence Boosts Your Confidence

Independent people naturally tend to be a little more confident on handling issues affecting their career and lives. This is mainly because they are more prepared to take actions and do things without having to wait for support or permission from someone else. Being career independent therefore means that you will be more likely to try out new things that you want, rather than what or how you are expected. This also means that you will have more experience than a dependant individual. This will build up more confidence in you with the awareness that you can do things on your own. For other entrepreneurs, confidence opens their mind to taking bigger risks and winning paths that eventually returns greater rewards.

Financially Independent

Your motivation to be independent also helps you climb the corporate ladder. You want to make more money to support yourself, so you work long hours. Your job also provides you with the security to stay dependent on yourself. Without your job, you might have to move back in with your parents, which would strip away your independence. You don’t need someone else to buy you nice, extravagant things. If you see something you like at your favorite store, you buy it yourself. You are so independent; you don’t have to wait for gifts on your birthday, Christmas, or Valentine’s Day. Your independence allows you to take care of others and let them reap the benefits of all your hard work

Being a strong independent person is what everyone should aspire to be. There are a number of benefits to being self-sufficient and able to work alone. There is an immense amount of opportunities open to independent people. When you start to exhibit these signs, new doors will open for you and you will definitely be in a better place in life. Independence can help increase your self-value and self-esteem, more so if becoming independent is one of your goals. The achievement of financial, social, emotional, career and personal independence gives you a sense of accomplishment that eventually changes how you rate yourself and how others will view you. To be more independent is to be prepared and free to meet new people and try new things, subscribe to to help you to be more prepared. This in turn means that you will develop a broader sense of the world and be open to people and new opportunities which leads to more knowledge and understanding of the world.


  1. I want to apply for the job at hand

  2. As a student I should be concerned with studies and not the job market until after school, originally, I see there is not only a bright future for particular individuals but the citizenry.....


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