
Showing posts from August, 2018

Create Your Career Strategy In Ten (10) Steps

Making a decision on what you want to do in the future can often be difficult. Career strategy simply means developing series of actions that you will take each day on your career goals in order to achieve them. You need to decide where you want to take your career, what the options available are, and how you can make an informed decision on the right career path for you. How do you attain your career goals? This is to develop or come out with career strategies in a manner as discussed below. Assess Yourself Developing a career strategy starts with assessing yourself to know your strengths and weaknesses. Before you can start to explore the right areas, you need to focus on yourself. Also, you need to know the things you are really passionate about, your interests, your hobbies, your career preferences, your career aspirations. You need to consider; what your strengths and weaknesses are? What motivates you in the workplace? Assessing yourself is a combination of what yo

Ten (10) Ways of Motivating Teachers in Their Career

Students of today bring a lot more than just pencils and textbooks to school; many harbor behavioral or family issues, learning disabilities, and more. Teacher motivation is vital to the growing and evolving field of education, yet it is not investigated enough. Sinclair (Sinclair, 2008) defined teachers motivation in terms of attraction, retention and concentration as something that determines 'what attracts individuals to teaching” Need for rapid growth of higher education, issues in compensation, developments in information technology and dearth for teaching and technical skills brought teacher motivation to the center stage.It takes patience, passion, resilience, and a lot of commitment being a good teacher. Here are a ten (10) ways to motivate them and inspire their best. Encourage Teacher-Student Relationship Here, teachers are to be encouraged to go close to student, know more about them and create good teacher-student relationship. This will give students t