What Does An Employer Look For In Your CV?

Through competition for new jobs at an all-time high, employees must have the skills

employers are targeting. From the ability to communicate effectively to the willingness to

wear multiple hats around the office, employers today seek workers with a variety of the

skills. This is especially right when it comes to your CV. Aside from understanding the

necessary skills and adapting your CV in line with the job, you have to prove that you have

them. In other words, you actually need to back yourself up.
Here are some skills employers

seek in every job seeker.
Critical Thinking and Problem solving Skills

The ability to solve problems and make decisions can be a huge asset to your employer and

these are therefore necessary skills to develop. Decision making and problem solving require

gathering and evaluating reliable information for a variety of solutions and selecting the most

appropriate option based on the criteria and situation. These skills are beneficial to employers

as they save time and money. Creative thinkers are innovative and inventive and are more

likely to devise new ways of doing things that add value to the work environment, making

systems and procedures more efficient.

·         Communication Skills

Being able to communicate clearly
and effectively in many mediums. It could be by email,

verbally, with lists and phone messages, on the phone, and with body language.

Communication also comprises listening skills and the ability to adhere to instructions and

provide feedback.
Whether the role involves interacting with customers, clients, or just other

members of the organization, never underestimate the importance of effective

communication. However, employers are looking for not just verbal communication. They

might also want to know you can express yourself on paper – both clearly and accurately. If

you’re applying for a job that involves written communication, always include examples of

your skills in your CV.
·        Honesty and Loyalty
Employers want accurate and appropriate info regarding their business and their employees.

Employers want and need to be able to trust their employees to work professionally to meet

the employer
s best interests. Employers dont want to hire people who cannot be trusted to

represent the company in public. Made a mistake? Don
t cover it up, admit it, and learn not to

do it again
·        Work Ethics
Be at work on time, do what youve been employed to do, meet targets and deadlines and

work to the best of your ability. Meeting the employer
s goals and objectives by

determination and Persistence. Managers will give employees challenging goals but

generally, they are achievable. The key is to be able to work hard and keep moving forward

when you encounter obstacles.
·        Ability to Work as a Team
Employers and managers like to have people working with them and for them who can get

along with their colleagues and who can work with others effectively in different

Almost every role will involve some level of teamwork, so being able to

demonstrate it well in your CV is vital. Teamwork skills can be developed through a variety

of jobs, hobbies, and study whether it’s from working alongside others in a shop, taking part

in group projects at school or playing in a local sports team. This could be in a section of its

own, or listed underneath your work experience, hobbies, or education.

Once you
ve thought of some unique examples to prove your skills, all you have to do is find

a place for it in your CV. In order to be flexible you need a set of 'transferable skills', i.e. skills

that are not specific to one particular career path but are generic across all employment

sectors. This will increase your chance of been chosen by employers for a good job position.



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