It is common for most HR’s to see themselves as certain roles, such as a friend, partner, employee, or son/daughter. Some spend their whole lives building themselves around such identities. Take those identities away, and they get lost, because they have little awareness of who they are on the inside. Knowing your inner self is to know your purpose, values, vision, goals, your motivations, and your beliefs. Not what you are been told by others, but what you have discovered by yourself as a Human Resource person. Knowing your inner self requires a high level of self-examination and self-awareness. If you have clarity of at least half of the lists above, you probably have quite a high level of self-awareness. At the same time, the process of self-discovery never ends — it’s a life-long journey.

A Human Resource dressed in an abnormal way could be judged as dark and extreme. This would be a fair assumption given that the person dressed in such a manner is in control of their appearance and desires to show such an image. The phrase, "You can't judge a book by its cover" comes to mind. Surely, at work, your inner self and traits are taken into consideration in judgement, much more than what you look like.

Every action you take should move you toward your inner self. If you have identities that do not match your inner self, here are two possible steps you can follow. First, try to find the common ground between those identities and your inner self. This may involve shaping the identities to fit who you are. The other option will be to remove or change the identity altogether — for example should you quit work, you will effectively remove your identity as an employee in the company. Constantly doing these two steps will help you become more congruent with your true self. Moreover, these don’t happen by chance. They come about because of your conscious effort.

Like all HR’s, you’re going to have to listen to your dissatisfied employee, and acknowledge that you’re taking his message seriously. Minds, like people, can relax and let go when they feel heard and understood.  Practice gratitude and acknowledge your mind for its contribution. “Thank you, mind, for reminding me that if I don’t succeed in knowing the company’s goals, missions, visions, and  code of conduct, I might lose my job.” “Thank you for telling me that I may always be alone and never find love and have a family.”  “These are important areas of life, and you need to pay attention to whilst at work, and do your best to take advantage of every opportunity that comes up. I also need to learn from past experiences so I don’t keep making the same mistakes.”

Be mindful about your career, family, community and environment. Try to see how individual units in a system merges to form a harmonious whole. See the whole rather than the parts. Observe significant events and happenings in your life. “Nothing happens by chance,”says Carl Jung. Change your schedule and personal habits and rhythms when the need arises. Be natural and love your profession. Life is more than just the mundane. Your inner self is just like your personal and professional ego concerns.

Motivation in life is what gets you going day after day and what you passionately do in life. Some work related motivation listed below.
§  Providing mentorship and coaching employees at work
§  Learning new things daily
§  Being results-driven
§  Being deadline-driven
§  The love in preparing and giving presentation at work.

Re-direct the focus of your attention from your thoughts to your feelings.  Stop focusing on thoughts about external conditions and actions that do not justify your internal state of despair.  Just look at how you feel.  Let your feelings flow positively without resisting them.  Make how you feel a conscious experience and to discover the real cause of it. Gradually, your dark cloud of emotional pain will dissolve, revealing a new, bright, positive attitude that frees you to work fully on achieving success once again. Each time you go through this process of clearing and mastering your inner self, you free up more power to succeed and you increase your freedom from the habitual inner pattern of reacting with disempowering emotions.

Focus on mastering your inner self, then start to live in alignment with your work related responsibilities to achieve its goals. That’s when you start to live a conscious professional life. In so doing, you have triggered the search process for the real you. You will start to become more aware of your thoughts and actions. Soon, you will get an impression of your inner self, separate from your social identities. Eventually, you will reach a stage where you have strong clarity of who you are as a person.




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